
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

2016 Pendleton Family Picnic

The 2016 Pendleton Family picnic was held Sunday the 7th of August at the Holland Town Hall just west of Holmen, WI. It was another success although attendance this year was lower than in past years. There was SOOO much food and plenty of prizes for the drawing. Great job, everyone, for pitching in and bringing a dish to share - everything was delicious. Phil Rosson (3) brought the plastic water slide for the kids. He did try to get the adults to join in too - without much success.

Thanks to Pam (Sue) Heath (3) who always does a super job at organizing everything. And a special thanks to Pam's aunts for opening what was originally their family picnic to the rest of the clan. Pictured are (left to right) Peggy Roberts, Paula Dolan, Margie Fischer and Emmie Rosson - all daughters of Ed (1) and "Lu" [Delaney] Pendleton.

This picnic is always the first Sunday in August in Holmen, Wisconsin. There are a number of cousins who, for a variety of reasons, cannot make it to the "west coast" of Wisconsin on that weekend, so I'm still looking for someone to host a picnic on a different weekend somewhere on the "east coast" of Wisconsin. If you are, or you think you know someone who might be interested in hosting an alternate event, please let me know.

Thanks, again, Pam. Well done!

As always, keep in touch!

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