
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 2011 Quiz

OK... I have finished the patio, the fences and the deck... and, instead of researching a new quiz, I have been enjoying my new space. We have been having the most GLORIOUS autumn in Minnesota, with high temperatures around 30C (85F) and low humidity and mosquitoes.

I officially have the neighborhood "party deck." I just love when the neighbors all get together for a communal cookout. Too much fun! I'm very fortunate to live in a close-knit neighborhood where we all get along.

But, I have gotten back into researching the family tree and have a couple ideas for future quizes and I promise to post a new quiz for November.

So, if you need a quiz "fix" for October, 2011... Who is going to be a Grandpa again in November???

A. I am.
B. Yours truly.
C. Grandpa PEN-dle-ton (as my granddaughter, Addie, calls me).

Check back next month for the answer and the new quiz.

-- Answer

If you missed this one...

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