
Monday, October 31, 2011

November 2011 Quiz

So, I’m gradually getting back into my research mode. When I left off last spring, I was working on the Newkirk family. Remember that Roy’s mother was Catherine Newkirk.

One interesting thing that I have found is that many of the Newkirks in the 19th century liked to name their children after states. Which of the following states was NOT used as a first name?

A. Georgia
B. Louisiana
C. Missouri
D. Ohio

Check back next month!

-- Answer

I will confess that I have not finished researching all of the Newkirks. So far, I have found a Louisiana Newkirk (and another named Louisianna,) two people named Missouri Newkirk, and two people named Ohio Newkirk. I have NOT found anyone named Georgia Newkirk. So, the correct answer is: A. Georgia.

I did also find one person named America Newkirk. Incidentally, the two people named Ohio were male while all the others were female.

Also, all of them were cousins of Roy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October 2011 Quiz

OK... I have finished the patio, the fences and the deck... and, instead of researching a new quiz, I have been enjoying my new space. We have been having the most GLORIOUS autumn in Minnesota, with high temperatures around 30C (85F) and low humidity and mosquitoes.

I officially have the neighborhood "party deck." I just love when the neighbors all get together for a communal cookout. Too much fun! I'm very fortunate to live in a close-knit neighborhood where we all get along.

But, I have gotten back into researching the family tree and have a couple ideas for future quizes and I promise to post a new quiz for November.

So, if you need a quiz "fix" for October, 2011... Who is going to be a Grandpa again in November???

A. I am.
B. Yours truly.
C. Grandpa PEN-dle-ton (as my granddaughter, Addie, calls me).

Check back next month for the answer and the new quiz.

-- Answer

If you missed this one...