
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Family Picnic

The annual family picnic was held today. The turnout was not quite as good as last year, but a good time was had by all who were there.

A raffle was held to help cover the cost of this year's picnic. I'm please to report that enough was raised to cover this year and there is a good "seed" fund for next year. Rhonda Reed (15) organized some games for the kids with prizes going to the winners. Luckily, ALL of the kids were winners!

Fortunately, the weather cooperated also. It was cloudy most of the afternoon which kept the temps in the low 80's rather than the upper 90's that had been predicted.

My sister, Sue [Pendleton] Ender (14), posted the pictures she took today. You will probably have to cut and paste the link into your browser.

If it doesn't work, let me know and I will try sending you the link by E-Mail.

I just want to express my personal thanks to Sue [Roberts] Heath (15) for all the time and effort she put into pulling this off again this year. She is already planning next year's picnic. The date will be August 7, 2011 - MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!!

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