
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 2013

Hey all! It’s been a while since I posted anything. Sorry, it’s been a VERY busy year.

Tax season went by like a flash. Then, this spring, the company I work for sold off part of the business. I ended up working for the new company, too. As usual, the whole process ended up being a LOT more work than expected.

Also, this spring, a friend of mine, Teresa, whom I have known since kindergarten, and I took a “Hands-On” Advanced Pasta cooking class. Teresa is an amazing cook. She and I were given the responsibility of making the marinara sauce (among other things.) It was great taking the chef’s recipe and “doctoring it up” so that she and I were happy with it. Even the chef thought it was very good. 

After that, I spent the summer replacing the old wooden retaining wall and fence around the front yard with a new stone wall, aluminum fence and an in-ground automatic sprinkler system– my LAST major outdoor project. This time I mean it. J (Although, I am going to miss working out in the sun and the heat; I LOVE the heat!) Next summer, I’ll have to content myself with gardening.

I pretty much completely zoned out during the fall. I puttered in the yard a bit, but basically didn’t accomplish much of anything other that catching up on crossword puzzles, cryptograms and cooking. I really needed the break.

I spent Thanksgiving at my daughter’s house. It is SO much fun spending time with the Grandkids! Addison (Addie) is 7 now and is in first grade. Clayton will turn 2 this Saturday (12/07/2013.) He is SUCH a grandpa’s boy!

Now that we are into the holiday season… I have to fit in 24 hours of continuing education for my Enrolled Agent’s license, I am working on becoming certified as a QuickBooks Pro Advisor before the end of the year, there is all that Christmas shopping to do, I need to start closing out the books for my accounting clients AND I have to gear up for the next tax season!!!!

But, what’s new with you??? Write and let me know what has been happening with you this year.

I hope you all have a marvelous holiday season and keep in touch!